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  • Hope Centre Church


Highlights from Pastor Jerry's March 10 message...

Who and Whoever He was is here! He is here to love, forgive, heal, and restore.

Have you ever yelled, “Help!?” (Pastor Jerry shared a testimony of losing control of his car during a snowstorm and going over an embankment. He prayed “Jesus, HELP!” He and passenger came out unharmed).

God is here! He is saying, “Come unto Me.”  When Moses asked, “Who are you?” God answered, “I AM WHO I AM.” Wherever we are, HE IS ALL THERE! Wherever we were, HE WAS ALL THERE!

HE IS IN US!  When our children were sick our doctor knew what dosage of medicine they needed depending on their age, weight, etc.  Our Heavenly Father, our Great Physician, knows everything, where you are spiritually and the condition you are in and what dosage of strength you need of His healing touch.  We want everything He has for us, every ounce of it.  Don’t be satisfied with less.                                                                                                                      GOD WAS HERE! (John 1:1-5) “In the beginning was the WorGOD WAS, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

There was a time in Jesus’ life when He was Jesus of Nazareth, about His Father’s business, who became the Resurrected Jesus, to save you and I from our failures. He is everything that God says He is! Anytime I lessen Him I start to roll the stone back again so as not to allow resurrection power to flow!

JESUS IS ALL HERE! His blood will never lose its power! If people cannot encounter Him in me, I am in trouble.  (Pastor Jerry illustrated that during the time he was a radio broadcaster he was out shopping, and the clerk recognized his voice though she did not know him.)

Jesus is the head of the Kingdom and ALL HERE!  He will manifest Himself in ways we have never know. He does not want us to quit for He has a job, a purpose, an anointing for us! His being ALL HERE makes us whole! 

HE IS RISEN!  He goes before us! Christmas is a wonderful time of celebration Jesus’ birth, but I love Easter-Resurrection time!  Jesus is everything the Word says He is and so are you!

 Pastor Jerry shared how after he was saved the thought came to him, “How do I know I will not wake up one day and find out that I have been deceived.” The Holy Spirit spoke to him these words, “Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” If we do that we will never fall into error!

The sign of the end times is DECEPTION.  Discernment is the tool God has given us! We need discernment – to be alert to the enemy - who will try to overtake us. 

A transformation is taking place at Hope Centre. We need people with a shepherd’s heart. The elders, deacons and praise team are participating in studies – preparing them for the Master’s plan. New offices are being set up. We need more room for the ALL in HIM! After 9-11 people were saying, “I need to get back to church.” We need to be prepared!  

His message is, “HE LOVES ME!”

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